A study by Dewi Rahayu, Rusmin Nuryadin, and Muzdalifah with titled “The Efficiency of Government Expenditures and Its Effect on Gross Regional Product (GRDP) of baca lebih lanjut …
Category: Researches
Investments and Exports Have Positive Impact on GRDB of Kotabaru Regency
Yunita Sopiana and Noor Rahmini will present their paper with titled “Analysis of the Effect of Investment, Absorbed Labor, Infrastructure and Exports on the GDP of Kotabaru in the context of establishing a Special Economic Zone” in 15th IRSA International Conference, Banda Aceh. The paper is also written with their student, Taufiq Rahman.
The Impact of Labour Absorption in Kalimantan Selatan Province is not as Expected
In a study that has published in International Jurnal of Business, Social and Scientific Research (Vol 7, No 2, 2019), Muzdalifah, Mursinto, and Purwono said that fiscal decentralization and economic growth have contribution to decrease poverty rates in 13 regencies and municipalities in Kalimantan Selatan Province. It proves that higher fiscal decentralization degrees and economic growth rates will reduce poverty rates.
How The Floating Market of Lok Baintan could Existed?
Noor Ramini is the only one lecturer and researcher in the Department of Economics who has focused on tourism and floating market in Kalimantan Selatan. As example, her study with Pudjihardjo, Hoetoro, and Manzilati (2019) related to traders in the floating market of Lok Baintan in Banjar Regency, Kalimantan Selatan, find out that social capital bonding is the important factor to defend the existence of the market and the traders. The study with title “Social Capital Bonding in Lok Baintan Floating Market” has published in Institutions and Economis Vol. 11 No 3, 2019.
Mapping the Purchasing Power of Banjarmasin City Residents
Hidayatullah Muttaqin, Muhammad Handry Imansyah, and Muzdalifah write a paper that will present at 15th IRSA International Conference in 22-23 July 2019, Banda Aceh. The paper titled is Mapping the Purchasing Power of Banjarmasin City Residents. The aim of this research is to map the purchasing power of Banjarmasin City inhabitants at urban village level based on settlement areas.
The Potential Impact Analysis of the Increase Tobacco Excise Tax in Indonesia: Input-Output Simulation
Profesor Muhammad Handry Imansyah presented a paper with title: The Potential Impact Analysis of the Increase Tobacco Excise Tax in Indonesia: Input-Output Simulation at Annual Economics Meeting and Workshop on Tobacco Taxation Da Lat, Vietnam, in 18 – 21 Juni 2019. The objective of this paper is to simulate potential impact the increase of tobacco excise tax resulting change of consumption pattern.