Mapping the Purchasing Power of Banjarmasin City Residents

Hidayatullah Muttaqin, Muhammad Handry Imansyah, and Muzdalifah write a paper that will present at 15th IRSA International Conference in 22-23 July 2019, Banda Aceh. The paper titled is Mapping the Purchasing Power of Banjarmasin City Residents. The aim of this research is to map the purchasing power of Banjarmasin City inhabitants at urban village level based on settlement areas.

The Potential Impact Analysis of the Increase Tobacco Excise Tax in Indonesia: Input-Output Simulation

Profesor Muhammad Handry Imansyah presented a paper with title: The Potential Impact Analysis of the Increase Tobacco Excise Tax in Indonesia: Input-Output Simulation at Annual Economics Meeting and Workshop on Tobacco Taxation Da Lat, Vietnam, in 18 – 21 Juni 2019. The objective of this paper is to simulate potential impact the increase of tobacco excise tax resulting change of consumption pattern.