International Webinar: How Can Indonesia Survive from Economic Turbulences During Covid-19 Pandemic?

Indonesia faces dilemma situation amid to safe people health or economic. The question is how can Indonesia survive from economic turbulences during Covid-19 pandemic? It is very difficult to solve these matters. It needs much resources and extraordinary policies.

To discuss and answers this dilemma, The Department of Economics and Development Studies or IESP FEB ULM will present an INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR : HOW CAN INDONESIA SURVIVE FROM ECONOMIC TURBULENCES DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC?

Lecturers and Researchers in the Department of Economics

The following is the list of lecturers and researchers in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Lambung Mangkurat University (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat). You can find their names, educations, fields of interests, and profile hompages.

A Year Agenda of Monthly Economic Discussion in The Department of Economics

The Department of Economics will have been organizing Montly Economic Discussion during the year of 2019. These discussions aim to rise academic atmosphere and to facilitate the department lecturers to deliver their views and researches about special and interest topics.