The Department of Economics will have been organizing Montly Economic Discussion during the year of 2019. These discussions aim to rise academic atmosphere and to facilitate the department lecturers to deliver their views and researches in special and interest topics.
The Monthly Economic Discussion will be raising actual issues in local level such as Kalimantan Selatan Province or national level. The discussions will include the core topics; (1) Macroeconomic, (2) Economic Development, (3) public finance, and (4) current issues in Indonesian Economy.
The following is a schedule of the discussions in 2019:
- January – Economic Outlook of Kalimantan Selatan 2019 by Syahrituah Siregar, SE, MA.
- February – How Local Government Budgets to be a Regional Economic Driver? By Dr. Ahmad Yunani, SE, M.Si.
- March – Disruptive Technology: a Threat or an Opportunity for Indonesia Economy? By Hidayatullah Muttaqin, SE, MSI, Pg.D.
- April – How a Local Government Makes Innovations in Financing the Incrastructure Development? By Prof. Dr. M. Handry Imansyah, MAM.
- June – Indonesia’s Demographic Bonus: How We Optimize it for Development? By Dr. Noor Rahmini, SE, MP.
- July – Decreasing Indonesia’s Poverty and Inequality Rates by Dr. Dewi Rahayu, SE, MP.
- July – The Green GRDP in Kalimantan Selatan Province: Is It Possible? by Dr. M. Anshar Nur, MM.
- August – Economic Policies to Mitigate the Climate Change Impacts by Yunita Sopiana, SE, MSE
- September – Increasing the Quality of Local Government Expenditures in Disruption Era by Muzdalifah, SE, M.Si.
- October – Finance Inclussion in Fintech Era: a Problem and a Challenge for Indonesia by Ryan J. Anward, SE, M.Sc.
- November – How Shariah Banking Benefits Fintech to Raise Market Share? by Sri Maulida, SE.Sy, MEI.
- December – Economic Reflection of Kalimantan Selatan 2019 by LKEPD FEB ULM.