Hidayatullah Muttaqin is a lecturer and researcher at The Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Lambung Mangkurat University. He has been working at the University since 2005. His fields of special interest include Islamic Economics, Macroeconomics, Development Economics, and Economic Geography. He also has an interest in current issue: Economic Disruption. [Indonesian Version]
He is teaching in the Department of Economics and Development Studies. He taught Islamic Economics, Development Economics, Indonesian Economy, History of Economic Thought, Macroeconomics, International Economics and International Business courses.
Hidayatullah Muttaqin received his undergraduate degree (Sarjana Ekonomi) in Economics and Development Studies from Lambung Mangkurat University in 2002. He also got master degree in Islamic Economics from Islamic University of Indonesia in 2008 and Postgraduate Diploma degree in Development Economics from University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, in 2018. He also took a local economic development shortcourse from The Hague Academy for Local Governance in The Hague, Netherland, in 2014.
Islamic Economics, Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Economic Geography, and Economic Disruption.
- Alamat kantor: Jurusan IESP Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Jl. Hasan Basri, Banjarmasin 70123.
- Email: muttaqin@ulm.ac.id
- Google Scholar: Hidayatullah Muttaqin
- Muttaq.in
- Tim Pakar Covid-19 ULM
- New Insight
- Forum Dosen Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islami (FORDEBI)
- Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam (IAEI)
- Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
- Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA)
- Changing of Legal Entity of PD PAL Kota Banjarmasin (A report for The Agency of Planning, Research and Development of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2019).
- A Feasibility Study of The Local Government Market Enterprises in Banjarmasin City (A report for The Agency of Planning, Research and Development of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2019).
- Changing of Legal Entity of PDAM Bandarmasin (A report for The Agency of Planning, Research and Development of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2019).
- Regional Development Evaluation of South Kalimantan Province 2019 (A report for The Agency of National Development Planning/ BAPPENAS, 2019).
- Traditional Market Transformation of Banjarmasin City in Disruption Era (A report for The Agency of Planning, Research and Development of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2019).
- The Impact of Agriculture and Mining Sectors on Regional Income Inequality and Poverty Rates in Indonesia (presented at The 15th IRSA International Conference, 2019)
- Mapping The Purchasing Power of Banjarmasin City Residents (presented at The 15th IRSA International Conference, 2019)
- The Dilemma of Exports and Primary Sector on Regional Income Inequality and Poverty in Indonesia (A Dissertation at University of Birmingham, 2018)
- The Evaluation of the Spread of Traditional Market Locations in Banjarmasin City (Unpublished paper, 2017).
- An Academic Study of Investment Profile Book of Banjarmasin City 2016 (A report for The Agency of Development Planning of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2016).
- A Feasibility Study of Local General Enterprises Equity Capital of Banjarmasin City (A report for The Local Market Agency of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2016).
- Identification of Fund Resources for Infrastructure Projects in Tanah Bumbu Regency (A report for The Agency of Development Planning of The Government of Tanah Bumbu Regency, 2016).
- A Study of Public Market in Tanah Laut Regency (A report for The Local Government Secretariat of Tanah Laut Regency, 2015).
- The Roadmap of Local Innovation System of Banjarmasin City (A report for The Agency of Development Planning of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2015).
- A Study Of Social and Economic Impacts of Indomaret’s Minimarkets in Banjarmasin City (A report for PT Indomarco Prismatama, 2015).
- A Feasibility Study of Ujung Murung Market Investment (A report for The Local Market Agency of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2015).
- A Feasibility Study of Local Market Enterprises of Banjarmasin City (A report for The Local Market Agency of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2015).
- Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Indonesian Economy: an Input-Output Analysis (China-USA Business Review, 13 (9). pp. 573-591. ISSN 1537-1514, 2014).
- The Growth Economic Political in Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani’s Perspective (Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi Islam IMANENSI, 1 (2). Pp. 111-116, 2014 ).
- An Overview of Economic Inequality in Islamic Countries (presented at Jakarta International Conference of Muslim Intelectual, 14-15 December 2013, Jakarta).
- Potential Impact of European Union and US Financial Crisis to the Indonesian Economy: An Input-output Analysis (11th IRSA International Conference Proceedings, 9-11 July 2012, Banjarmasin).
- A Study of Marriage Age Maturity: A Case of Hulu Sungai Utara Regency (A report for BKKBN of South Kalimantan Province, 2012).
- Mapping Economic Potential of Banjarbaru City 2011 (A report for The Agency of Development Planning of The Government of Banjarbaru City, 2011).
- A Simulation of Financial Crisis Impact Potential in Europe and USA on Indonesian Economy (A report for Pusat Kebijakan Regional dan Bilateral Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan RI, 2011).
- An Exploration of the Performance between Shariah Banks and Conventional Banks During Global Financial Turbulence (International Sustainability Forum on Islamic Economic and Business Proceeedings, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Lambung Mangkurat dan FORDEBI, 29-30 November 2011, Banjarmasin).
- An Analysis of Small and Medium Enterprises in Banjarmasin City (A report for The Agency of Trade of The Government of Banjarmasin City, 2007).
- The Masterplan of Investment Development of Kotabaru Regency (A report for The Agency of Investment of The Government of Kotabaru Regency, 2007).